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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Why a "Gay Sulu" is wrong

I am an avid Star Trek Fan. Been so since I was a little boy. My mom said I was drawing the Enterprise at 3 years old. I loved all the series and movies for the most part. When the "reboot" came out in 09 I loved it. Watched it 4 times. (Twice in IMAX) Into Darkness was a disappointment in that it was a rehash of Wrath Of Khan for the most part. Well, I have boycotted Beyond. And it's due to "Gay Sulu". And yes people will call me a " bigot" and a "homophobe". But it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with it being a politically motivated decision. Even George Takei stated it was a "Twisting of Trek". They could've made a gay character that wouldn't have mattered to me. But they didn't. They chose to change something sacred. And do so for agenda reasons. Well, For whoever made that decision. I say "Fuck You". I have already had discussions with fans who have said "It's only one scene", & "It's only like 10 seconds long" blah blah blah. Don't care. How about if they made Kirk gay? Would they feel the same? Don't think so. One of the most laughable articles I saw was something along the lines of "Zachary Quinto defends Gay Sulu". That's like asking a Clan Member to defend Racism. WTF! Plus, To me someone's sexual orientation is not something that's important enough to make a statement about. It just isn't. Oh the PC crowd will tell you otherwise I'm sure. Well Ill tell you what. Since I'm left handed I want equal representation. To me Left Handed people have been mistreated throughout history. I feel like "left handers" get stereotyped. How ludicrous is that? Pretty dumb huh? Yeah it is. And I don't wanna hear the dipshit argument that "I don't want a Heterosexual Agenda in my face either!" There is a reason that being gay is called an ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE. The interesting thing about this is you can tell this is just a Hollywood Agenda. Hollywood overly represents any type of what is considered a minority. Hollywood floods the TV and Movie Screen with Gays. Yet there aren't that many of them in the United States.


What would've made more sense if they are so concerned with being PC is creating a new character as part of the main crew who was Latino. But they didn't do that. They had to go with the "PC Flow" if you will. You gotta love Hollywood. Nothing is original. Unless you wanna change canon and make someone who was NOT a homosexual suddenly gay of course. I'm not buying into this gays have been discriminated against bullshit. Everyone at one point in their life has been discriminated against. You let it go and move on. And it's not the same as the Civil Rights Era either. Blacks were once slaves. And killed and beaten because of their skin color. Yes, There has been and always will be hate crimes against everyone. Even gays. However, I do not believe a sexual preference is something to politicize. And that's what its really about.  Therefore I have and will boycott not only Beyond. But Discovery as well.