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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I am sick and tired of Political Agendas, "Victims", and "Racism".

 I'm gonna get right down to it. I can't watch much TV. I use to LOVE TV. I did. Now all you see are agendas and messages you're SUPPOSE to agree with. If you don't. You're a "Bigot". You CAN'T be AGAINST gay marriage without being a SUPER RELIGIOUS GAY BASHER. You "Hate Gays" they say. Or my personal favorite which doesn't make much sense to me. You're "Homophobic". (I guess in addition to "hating gays" you're also scared of them?) So what do TV Producers do? See most of Hollywood think they are so much smarter than the average tv watcher or moviegoer. What they like to do to get the message across is flood the TV and big screens with LOTS of gay people. They throw it in your face until you're so use to it that you would automatically believe that if you think a gay person's lifestyle is different than any others. Well you're "homophobic". On a side note here. I have absolutely NOTHING against gay people. They can live however they want. Do whatever they want. Makes no difference to me. Their lifestyle choices are NONE of my business. Just as MY OPINIONS are none of theirs. Isn't it funny how "Tolerant" people are only tolerant when you agree with them? Funny how that works. I happen to disagree with being gay. BUT, Having said that its a FREE COUNTRY. I personally think its a lifestyle choice. A lot of people that are gay say that they are born that way. Thats their opinion. Just as me believing its a choice. BUT, In a PC World of today. If you're against gay marriage (Which I am btw), If you believe its a choice, Even if you're not "Super Religious" in any way. Even if you agree that people can live how they wanna live and do what they wanna do as long as it doesn't harm another. Well, Your "Homophobic". (I wander if there is a phobia for being scared of someone else's opinions?) If you turn on the TV all you see on almost every network is a gay person. It makes you feel like if you go into a section of your house and open a closet like half a dozen gay guys fall outta your closet. And its not really a big deal that they're gay. Like I said I don't care. Doesn't bother me. However its totally apparent what Hollywood is doing. They don't only have a gay person on it. They HAVE to (A MUST) portray them as a victim as well.  It's a " Social Cause" if you will. All I wanna say is shut up and entertain. Or as Laura Ingraham put it. Shut up and sing. Take RACISM. Now I'm NOT for racism of any type. Racism is dumb. But I'm starting to believe no matter how much progress we make as a society here in America. There is always gonna be some idiot complaining about racism. Or being racist. Racism is bad. No question about it. But how racist is America really? A BLACK President with a Muslim middle name. A MUSLIM MIDDLE NAME. Not even 10 years after September 11th. Can you imagine that being done anywhere else in the world under the same circumstances? A black President less than 50 years after Dr. Martin Luther King's I HAVE A DREAM speech. Does RACISM even matter anymore?What I mean is, Does it prevent anyone from doing what they want to do? My opinion is no. However I respect everyone else's opinion. From the outside looking in though. I know racism still exist. But in my opinion "organized racism" if you will does NOT exist. Meaning there is no movement of racists preventing anyone from doing what they want when they want to.Thankfully our country wouldn't allow it. Its a different time. A better time. But SOME will have you believe otherwise.