This Backup QB is so full of himself. (That's right BACKUP!) Basically Kaepernick couldn't cut it as a starter. And was actually FINED for using the N Word against another player. Now this dipshit sees himself as some Civil Rights Hero/Revolutionary by NOT standing for the National Anthem. (And yes, He loves the attention he is getting because he isn't talented enough to stay on the field.) He doesn't want to stand for the National Anthem because of "Oppression" against people of color. I doubt he will mention what's been going on in Milwaukee. Or hate crimes and racism against people NOT "of color". Because that doesn't fit his narrative. This loser makes millions of dollars a year. And only after he was called out on it. Only then did he donate money to the cause. This is a guy who doesn't want anything to do with his WHITE mom. But wants to know who his BLACK dad was. His mother wont tell him. That tells you its prob not good. This guy is a sub par QB to be honest. And he knows that he isn't as much as people made him out to be in the beginning. Alex Smith was clearly better. And Harbaugh knows it now. Or else he wouldn't be coaching Michigan. I doubt this loser would tell you that Blacks make up 68% of the NFL. And the average NFL Player makes 1.9 million a year. I doubt he would say that the NBA Players that are black is nearly 75%. (74.4) And that the average NBA Player makes 5 million a year. I doubt he would tell you that according to last years televisions demographics. (For 2014) Blacks made up 15% of ABCs and NBCs Prime Time Fall Programming. On Fox it was 21%. The percentage of African Americans in America is estimated at 13.2%. How's that for "oppressed"? And it seems that Kaepernick seems a little obsessed with Police Shootings. I'd really like Kaepernick to get in contact with Roland G. Fryer Jr. Who happens to be a Harvard Professor. Mr. Fryer examined the 10 Largest Police Precincts in the U.S. (Making up California, Texas, and Florida) He concluded that the police were no more likely to shoot non whites than whites. He called it "The most surprising result of my career." Oh yeah and Colin.... Mr. Fryer is black! Research at Washington State also showed that in simulated tests. Officers were less likely to shoot at blacks than whites. The thing that's most annoying about bozos like Kaepernick is that people will listen to him. And believe the nonsense that he spews. Without looking at both sides. To be honest. I doubt they are even his beliefs. He is probably letting dipshits around him use him as a political tool. The guy makes millions of dollars and wants to refuse to stand for an Anthem that pays respect to a country that allows him to make all that money. What a poor little "victim" you are Colin! Cry me a fucking river. Oh yeah, And the Black Lives Matter movement was based on a lie that was made up in Ferguson. Not that it matters much to you. Kiss my ass Kaepernick!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Why a "Gay Sulu" is wrong
I am an avid Star Trek Fan. Been so since I was a little boy. My mom said I was drawing the Enterprise at 3 years old. I loved all the series and movies for the most part. When the "reboot" came out in 09 I loved it. Watched it 4 times. (Twice in IMAX) Into Darkness was a disappointment in that it was a rehash of Wrath Of Khan for the most part. Well, I have boycotted Beyond. And it's due to "Gay Sulu". And yes people will call me a " bigot" and a "homophobe". But it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with it being a politically motivated decision. Even George Takei stated it was a "Twisting of Trek". They could've made a gay character that wouldn't have mattered to me. But they didn't. They chose to change something sacred. And do so for agenda reasons. Well, For whoever made that decision. I say "Fuck You". I have already had discussions with fans who have said "It's only one scene", & "It's only like 10 seconds long" blah blah blah. Don't care. How about if they made Kirk gay? Would they feel the same? Don't think so. One of the most laughable articles I saw was something along the lines of "Zachary Quinto defends Gay Sulu". That's like asking a Clan Member to defend Racism. WTF! Plus, To me someone's sexual orientation is not something that's important enough to make a statement about. It just isn't. Oh the PC crowd will tell you otherwise I'm sure. Well Ill tell you what. Since I'm left handed I want equal representation. To me Left Handed people have been mistreated throughout history. I feel like "left handers" get stereotyped. How ludicrous is that? Pretty dumb huh? Yeah it is. And I don't wanna hear the dipshit argument that "I don't want a Heterosexual Agenda in my face either!" There is a reason that being gay is called an ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE. The interesting thing about this is you can tell this is just a Hollywood Agenda. Hollywood overly represents any type of what is considered a minority. Hollywood floods the TV and Movie Screen with Gays. Yet there aren't that many of them in the United States.
What would've made more sense if they are so concerned with being PC is creating a new character as part of the main crew who was Latino. But they didn't do that. They had to go with the "PC Flow" if you will. You gotta love Hollywood. Nothing is original. Unless you wanna change canon and make someone who was NOT a homosexual suddenly gay of course. I'm not buying into this gays have been discriminated against bullshit. Everyone at one point in their life has been discriminated against. You let it go and move on. And it's not the same as the Civil Rights Era either. Blacks were once slaves. And killed and beaten because of their skin color. Yes, There has been and always will be hate crimes against everyone. Even gays. However, I do not believe a sexual preference is something to politicize. And that's what its really about. Therefore I have and will boycott not only Beyond. But Discovery as well.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Liberal Thinking and "Logic"
I'll go ahead and tell you. I'm a Conservative Republican. And I'm not afraid to admit it. Ask several of my past co-workers. Who seemed to love to stereotype. Funny how Liberals (Mad Libs as I call them) hate stereotyping unless they are the ones doing it. Now I'm gonna try and NOT stereotype here. There are honest, good hearted, and well meaning Lefties. Not enough of them in my opinion. But there are some. I figured I'd write this blog entry because I was sitting back trying to figure out why anyone would want to be a Far Left Wing Loon. To start off with you have to want to be a "DO-GOODER". There is a difference in being a Good Samaritan and a "Do-Gooder". In my opinion. A Good Samaritan does because they want to do. They feel compelled to do something nice. And they don't want credit for it afterwards. A " Do-Gooder" wants to fight for something and be acknowledged for doing it. And usually what they are fighting for is utter nonsense. But we will come back to that. They seek praise and entitlement thereafter as well. Think of it as calling in a news crew any time you do something nice. So it's starts with a Do-Gooder being bored and usually unhappy with ones self. And they seek to prove to themselves that they can "make a difference". Everyone can make a difference. But The Lefty Loons only do so with an ulterior motive. There is ALWAYS an ulterior motive. See Far Lefties are to be completely honest. Very bitter people. I said I am gonna try to avoid stereotyping but that's the truth. And yes, There are Right Wingers who are bitter and mean spirited as well. (Michael Savage) But the Far Left KNOW that their beliefs and political views are utterly crazy. They know. In the end the Far Left only want one thing. And that one thing is POWER. In order to overcome their bizarre reasoning (They're FOR Infanticide/Abortion. But AGAINST Capital Punishment. Essentially killing innocent unborn children BUT keeping Murderers, Rapists, and Child Predators alive at tax payers expense. FOR Gun Control- Essentially disarming or keeping good citizens away from guns and thinking for some reason that CRIMINALS will OBEY laws regarding guns. Appeasement towards America's Enemies ie Harry Reid stating to America "The War Is Lost") they absolutely MUST have " victims". I put victims in quotations because if no victims exists. They make up or create victims. Now I'm NOT stating there aren't any victims in America. There are. But honestly LIBERALS LOVE victims. Take African Americans. Liberals LOVE to call their political rivals racist and will ALWAYS appreciate some idiot white racist chanting the "N Word". Because they can always say " You see....He represents the Republican Party!" (Even though it was Abraham Lincoln of the REPUBLICAN PARTY who freed the slaves!) The truth is there will always be some idiot racist somewhere.(Of all colors) And The Left knows it. And LOVE IT. They appreciate and love racists just as much as they love stating how much they "hate them" to minorities. If all racists were gone. The Left would not know what to do. (I imagine them all with their face in their heads sobbing together) I have a hard time understanding how The Left gets away with their policies towards African Americans. Take Affirmative Action. They are basically stating African Americans cannot get jobs on their own merit! I happen to believe Blacks can do anything in America without any assistance from Uncle Sam. But NOT The Left. No, No, No. Apparently The Left have little confidence in them. And they still get a majority of their vote. The Left also goes after women. Instead of saying they are PRO ABORTION. They say they're "PRO CHOICE". One of my favorite authors summed this up very well. He wrote " Imagine a politician stating they are personally opposed to owning a slave. But thinks everyone should have the right and option to own one. Everyone would know that they are PRO SLAVERY. Much as a lot of The Left early on during their political careers when abortion was a touchy social issue stated that they were "Personally Opposed" but think women should have the right to get one if they want to. They have to be able to paint Women as having their "Rights" violated by not being able to commit infanticide. And amazingly it works. To be fair. A lot of women do disagree with abortion. Just as their lack of faith in African Americans. They tell the African American community that they do not believe they can attain careers on their own merit. So we will pass special laws to permit you to succeed. It's white condescension as Larry Elder would say. It's quite incredible they can get away with that kind of "logic". Or lack thereof. Yet they do. They usually say it's due to racism. Even though the current President is black. As I said in a prior blog. There was a time when racism was a real problem in America. I believe however that time is past. If America can elect a Black President with a Muslim middle name less than 10 years after the biggest terrorist attack on America's Homeland. How much can racism hold one back? (Not only elect. But Re-Elect!) But in order to continue the Democratic votes coming into the ballots they will use and get assistance from the mainstream media in perpetrating news stories where racism is still a " problem" in this country. (Police shootings, Black Lives Matter etc. How about ALL LIVES MATTER?) As I stated earlier The Left wants POWER. All political parties want power. Yes, Both Political Parties have politicians on each side that do under minded things to attain power. However, The Left with their constant victim mantra prevent any real progress from being attained in society. Liberals will never change. (Ironic as they always preach that word) Liberals will ALWAYS say racism holds people back in America. Regardless of the progress that has been done in this GREAT NATION.